Σπήλιος Αγαπητός - Κοφτό - Κάκαλος

There is a quick route that takes you directly to Kakalos refuge, under Zonaria. It begins directly after Spilios Agapitos, as you climb to Skala. The sign is positioned so you wont miss the route. The first section goes through the wooded section you can see from refuge A. It has a little climbing, but is moderate. After that, there is a middle section that is a little steeper, but is not too difficult, and as you ascend and look back you will get some amazing views of Spilios Agapitos, from high.

This section goes on, and even in August, you pass a snow field that looks up to Mytikas. After about one hour (one and a half, depending on pace) you reach an incline called "the elevator", with is situated at the 80% marker. This takes you up quickly, to a path that from this point is easy to walk, but has a drop to the right which you need to be careful of. After some 20 minutes, you reach the start of the Plateau of the Muses, and can see Kakalos to your right. After a short zig-zag incline, to are faced with the refuge in front of you, and to the left you can see Profit Elias, and Apostolides refuge, as well as turning more to take in the amazing view of Stefani.

Διάρκεια: 2 ώρες Υψομετρική διαφορά: 550m Δυσκολίας διαδρομής: Μέτρια Δύσκολη Μήκος: 3.8 χιλιομέτρων